
Archaeological confirmation

There are many sites in the British Isles, and not all of them have been recorded - some have stood quietly in the midst of forests, or been parts of buildings. Many sites have been excavated, and recorded, and whilst I have some reservations about the excavation of sites after having been to a site before and after excavation, it is a way of getting proof positive of a stone's antiquity.

How then to reconcile the desire for the best quality data with the fact that the database would be far poorer if it only accepted excavated sites - there are hundreds of sites known only locally, written up in inky self-published booklets available only in the area. They are often fascinating reading, and often include local legends and tales as well as the location of a stone deep in forests. I would cheat you of the chance to share many interesting sites if I struck these from the records - and so I have given you the choice. In the box


you have the choice - the default is to take only sites which as far as I can see have been listed by archaeologists. These are the ones you will find in the books by Aubrey Burl and other notable authors with an academic background.

Next come sites listed in books written by locals - those who know their area well and often have a wealth of detail missed by the professionals. Then comes the choice to include those sites for which there may only be a single report by a lay person. If I were to discover a hitherto unknown site, that is the category that would apply to my find... There are not many sites which do not fall into the first category - archaeologists have been reasonably thorough in the British Isles! The choice is yours...

stone search